Work and holiday visa in Australia

If you are under the age of 30 and don’t know what to do with your professional career and/or life, coming to Australia for at least one year to work and travel is one of the best experiences to attain. We have seen so many young travelers engage passionately with their lives in addition to getting some financial stability while working outside of their comfort zones. They gain so many great skills from personal responsibility to incredible wisdom. They make short-term and long-term friendships along the way and get to experience and expose themselves in ways that only traveling can do.

Take a shot and apply for a working holiday visa and boost your life. We prepared an analysis on the work and holiday visa for the year 2021 and a guide in order to successfully get it approved.

The first step is to know if you are eligible. Here are the requirements:

  1. Hold a passport from an eligible country.
  2. Be 18 to 30 years old (inclusive) - except for Canadian, French and Irish citizens who can be 18 to 35 (inclusive).
  3. Apply online (meanwhile living outside of Australia).
  4. Not be accompanied by dependent children.
  5. Though paperwork needs vary by visa and the country your passport is from, generally you need copies of your passport, passport photos, maybe a driver’s license, proof that you can speak English, proof that you have access to $5000 AUD, proof of a flight ticket home or the funds to pay for one, and a copy of your birth certificate.

Questions & Answers:

  1. Why are there two types of work and holiday visas?
  • The first one is subclass 417 and is named Working Holiday Visa and the second is 462 and is named Work and Holiday Visa
  • The three main differences include:
    • The list of countries each visa applies to
    • The number of visas they allow on each category
    • The requirements vary a little
  1. Which countries are on visa 417? (Must be a citizen of)
  • Belgium
  • Canada
  • Republic of Cyprus
  • Denmark
  • Estonia
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Hong Kong
  • Republic of Ireland
  • Italy
  • Japan
  • Republic of Korea
  • Malta
  • Netherlands
  • Norway
  • Sweden
  • Taiwan
  • The United Kingdom


  1. Which countries are on visa 462? (Must be a citizen of)
  • Argentina
  • Austria
  • China
  • Czech Republic
  • Ecuador
  • Greece
  • Hungary
  • Indonesia
  • Israel
  • Luxembourg
  • Malaysia
  • Peru
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • San Marino
  • Singapore
  • Slovak Republic
  • Slovenia
  • Spain
  • Thailand
  • Turkey
  • Uruguay
  • United States of America
  • Vietnam

  1. How to apply for a work and holiday visa?

You can apply for a work and holiday visa online, in the Australian Government’s immigration and citizenship webpage

  1. How much are the visas 417 and 462?

Visa subclass 417 costs AUD $485.00 and visa subclass 462 costs AUD $485.00


  1. What are the requirements for a Working Holiday Visa (subclass 417) and Work and Holiday Visa (subclass 426)?
    The visa subclass 417, does not require a letter from your home country’s government.

The visa subclass 426, requires this letter from your home country’s government (unless you are from the U.S.).

  1. How can Tequila Sunrise Hostel help you with this?
    Tequila Sunrise Hostel can help you by providing you with a job and/or a place to stay and network around with. It is centrally located in the beautiful CBD in Adelaide, Australia.

  2. How long do the visas last?
    Both subclasses (417 and 426) last one year

  3. Can I apply for the visas while being in Australia?
    Only if you plan to extend it, but you cannot apply for it the first time if you’re in Australia (see requirements’ section, question #3)

  4. Can you get a working holiday visa for Australia if you are over 30?
    Only if you are a citizen from the following three countries:
  5. Canada
  6. France
  7. Ireland

  8. Can you work longer than 6 months on a work and holiday visa?
    Yes but must work in different companies

  9. How many hours can I work on a 417 visa?
    40 hours per week

  10. What can I expect to be payed?
    Depends on the industry award. Minimum wage, which in Australia is AUD $20

  11. How many hours can you work on working holiday visa?
    40 hours per week
    Work and holiday visas allow the holder to work full time. During their 12-month stay, 417 visa holders can work as much or as little as they choose in full-time, part-time, casual, paid or voluntary work. However, the work is restricted to a period of six months with any single employer. (This period was extended from only three to six months in 2006.)

  12. Can I work in Australia for 6 months?
    You can apply for permission to work longer than 6 months with 1 employer. If you hold a working holiday visa (subclass 417 or 426), you can do any kind of work over the course of your 12-month stay in Australia. (*See Visa conditions 8547 – 6-month work limitation.)
    The work and holiday visa subclass 417 is the kind of visa that you can re-apply for a second term stay. You must have completed three months of specified regional work while you held your first work and holiday visa subclass 417 and you must be under the age of 31 (inclusive).

  13. Is it easy to get job in Australia?
    Your first job in Australia is unlikely to be a career move. Accept that you might need to take a step back to get your foot in the door and gain the essential Australian experience. At first you may even need to do some voluntary work in the country to get the local experience and contacts that employers seek. Getting a job in Australia is easy, provided it is NOT your first job in Australia. Australian recruiters are crazy about "local" experience. Almost 95% of the time, the recruiter will ask you if you have a local experience.

  14. What jobs are in high demand in Australia during 2020?
    Software developer, IT business and systems analyst, electrician, trades, bricklayer, tiler, plumber, carpenter.
    Some jobs offer weekly/monthly salaries ranging between AUD $800-$1200 per week, but this is less common. The average hourly rate for farm work is between AUD $20-25 per hour, with the national minimum wage being AUD $18.93.

  15. Where can I find farm work in Australia?
    Network is the best way to go. Find a hostel that has a social atmosphere, like Tequila Sunrise Hostel, where you can find other backpackers that can give direct recommendations. Websites such as Harvest Trail or Fruit Picking Jobs; Job search sites such as Seek.
    There are five types of specified work you can do to get a second working holiday visa.
    Plant and Animal Cultivation: This is the most popular type of specified work among backpackers, and includes: Fishing and Pearling, Tree Farming and Felling, Mining, and Construction.

  16. How long do you have to do farm work in Australia?
    The Australian government stipulates that those on the 417 subclass visa have to complete either three calendar months, or 88 days of regional specified work in an eligible industry such as farming, fishing, mining or construction.

  17. Can you get a second working visa for Australia?
    If you wish to stay longer and continue your working holiday, you may be able to apply for a second subclass visa (subclass 417 or 426) visa which will allow you to stay for an extra 12 months. You can apply for a second Working Holiday Maker visa either while you still have your first visa or at a later date.

  18. How much is a second-year Australian visa?
    To apply for your second subclass visa 417 or 426, it will cost you AUD $485 (As of July 2020).

  19. Who is eligible for a second- and third-year visa extension?
    You must already be a 417 or 462 subclass visa holder. (Both are similar and cost the same but vary slightly in their age requirements and second-year work specifications.)

  20. How much specified work must I have completed prior to applying for a second-year extension?
    You must have completed 3 months of specified work during your first year to be granted a second-year extension, and six months of specified work during your second year to be granted a third-year extension.

  21. What happens if you work longer than 6 months on a subclass visa 417 or 426?
    You cannot stay in the same job beyond six months by using different employment agencies, business affiliates or sub-contracting arrangements. If you hold a second Working Holiday visa, you may return to work for a further six months for an employer with whom you worked on your first Working Holiday visa. 
  22. This has not been written by a migration expert. Is just a quick orientation on basic for the work and holiday visas in Australia. Many of the work and holiday visas are backpackers that are always researching how they can extend their stay. So here is a quick review.  
💡 Ideas from expert travellers in Australia