Hostel in Adelaide, South Australia

🚊 How to Get to Tequila Sunrise from the Airport?

🚊 How to Get to Tequila Sunrise from the Airport?

Getting to Tequila Sunrise from the airport provides multiple options:

  • The most affordable choice is the public bus. Catch the J1X bus right outside the airport, ensuring you have approximately $6 cash or a metro card to pay the fare. The bus prices may vary based on the time, with a potential cost as low as $2.40 for a ride that takes less than 20 minutes. Ask the driver to drop you off near Tafe School Station in Curry Street, close to Light Square park in the CBD. For accurate bus times and stops, you can use the Metro mate app or rely on Google maps, which provides reliable online bus timing information.
  • Another option is to use Uber, which typically costs between $18 and $25. This can be a cost-effective choice, especially if you are traveling with others. Taxis are also readily available outside the airport, charging approximately $25 to $30 for the trip. This option may be preferable if you are carrying larger items like a surfboard, as some taxis have vans to accommodate such items.

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